Get a licence, Be a pilot!

First and foremost welcome in the world of pilots, where no matter whether you are an adolescent or a grizzled gentleman or lady, everybody call each other you… so do not be offended if we continue this way. If you are here looking at this website you are certainly toying with the idea of becoming a pilot. At the same time a lot of questions arise and due to a lack of answers you may be discouraged from taking steps. You still have the belief that being a pilot, flying an own plane, taking your friends or your family on a magical journey is a privilege only of those selected. This is not the case! For today small aircraft flight has become an available sport or hobby for broad sections of society. Even you can occupy the left side commander’s seat within a few months and you can conquer the blue sky. On this website we have summarized everything you have to know and to do in order to reach your goal. If some information is missing feel free to contact us and we will answer all your questions and will help you take the first steps. All you need is determination!
Training Courses

You can obtain the following qualifications
Private Pilot License (PPL)

This category is sufficient for most people. Obtaining this category you can fly a single-engine – or later even a multi-engine – plane within the borders of Hungary, moreover you can take your friends or family with you depending on passenger capacity.
ICAO Level 4-5 Radio Communication

The language of air navigation is English. As far as you fly within national boundaries you are allowed to communicate with the ground control in Hungarian. However sooner or later this country will be small for you and you would love to see further beautiful places. To be able to enter a foreign airspace, you will have to be familiar with international radio communication rules.
Training course

Theoretical training

Our courses start continuously in case of adequate number of applicants (minimum 8 people). Classes are held in our well-equipped training room in the command building of the airport on Farkashegy. If you have time and the weather is good you can try what you have learnt after or before the classes.
Practical training

You can start your flying lessons with the instructor even after you have handed in your application. Your theoretical education may run simultaneously. However, you can start flying on your own only if you have passed the theoretical examination. If you are hard-working you can complete it within 4-5 months.
What type of pilot licences you can get?
PPL A – Privat Pilot Licence: For most people this category is enough. In possession of this license you can fly in-between the country’s border with a one-or two engine airplanes and depending on the number of the seats, you can take your friends or acquaintances with you. ATPL (Air Transport Pilot License) and/or CPL (Commercial Pilot License): if you are not satisfied with taking yourself, or your friends for a sightseeing flying, but you would like to deal with the commercial part as well, after a certain number of flown PPL hours, you will have the opportunity for further training. Of course, for this license you must learn a lot more such as Instrumental Flight Rules, the use of English radio, or Night Visual Flight Rules but do not run so far forward. Once you get there, you will be aware of the requirements and the size of the task.
What type of airplanes I can fly with?
Before I answer this question, we must clarify an important question. Aircrafts are classified into different classes, including types. Within a class there are the same engineering and fly characteristics aircrafts which may be different types. Let me give you an example: Types Cessna 152, Cessna 172, DA20 or Piper PA28 are divided into the category SEP, because all of them are a one-engine plane, under 2000 kilograms and has a fixed wing. For the first approach a sailing plane like type Falke has the same properties but falls into a different category, as type Falke is capable of sailing without an engine, while the others are not.
- During your PPL training, you have to decide, for which classes you would like to obtain your license: Motor sailor types (Touring Motor Glider A category) or
- Single Engine Piston A category
In fact, which one you should choose depends on which planes do you find likeable or depends on your financial resources. (For example, I went directly to SEP, because I was not interested in the performance of sailing motor planes, but it really depends on the individual). Flying with a motor sailing plane requires a bit more technique, and because of this, flying longer distances are not an option, or it takes up too much time, and it only has 2 seats. On the other hand with the proper weather conditions you can turn off the engine in the air, and sail with it, which not only really economical from the perspective of petrol and engine time (flying with a turned off engine does not cost you money) but give you a really different experience like a motorized flight. Many types of motorized airplanes are flying, in Hungary the most popular is the Cessna 152 (2 seats) or Cessna 172 (4 seats) but you can meet with a lot other types as well. The advantage of this type is beyond its reliability, it has very good flying properties, thanks to its upper wing suspension, it is handy, stable and easy to operate for starter pilots, and it’s operating cost per hour is relatively low. Whatever category, class, or airplanes type is likeable for you, after obtaining your private pilot license, every other license can be acquired with a further training of 10-15 hours.
What conditions do I have to meet?
First of all, you have to pass a medical examination. Because we are talking about private pilot category, you do not have to worry, it is not filtered based on the requirements like military or commercial flights. If your medical standards meet the requirements of obtaining a driving licence, most likely you will be fine here too. If you have passed the medical examination, you can start your training, even fly the next day…under certain conditions which you can read below.
Where and when does the next training start, and how can I apply?
The training takes place in our modern-equipped teaching room, in the “A” building of Budakeszi Airport. Our trainings will be started continuously for a sufficient number of candidates. If you need more information, send email by clicking here, or give us a call. You can find our contacts here.”. If you have already decided, that you are going to apply, you can do it by clicking on the I’d like to apply button. We will contact you shortly after we have received your application, and inform you about the date of the next theoretical training. But don’t forget: you can start flying before that!
What does the training include?
The training is divided into two parts, there is a theoretical part, and a practical training part. During the theoretical training, you will be provided with comprehensive knowledge on topics such as mechanics, aerodynamics, structures, engine and instrumentation, radio knowledge, flight planning, navigation first aid…just to mention the most important things. The learning material is interesting, and with a little diligent you can learn it easily, and during the training to make your exam easier you will also do “trial” exams. This give you an accurate feedback on your current knowledge and potential shortage of the missing parts. After theory, comes the practice. Before your pilot exam, you will fly 45 hours, firstly with the help of a flight instructor, then aloe. During this time, you will learn the precise take-off and landing, going around in circles around the airport, and after a while flight of longer routes by visual flight rules. Once the time comes for the practical exam, you will be able to drive the airplane confidently and you will know the most beautiful parts of Hungary from the air.
How long does it take to acquire my private pilot license?
It’s really up to you. Like I mentioned before, after the medical examination you can start the practical training under the guide of the flight instructor. The rule is, before you start flying alone, you have to pass the theoretical exam successfully. So, if we assume that the duration of the theoretical training is 3 months long, and during this time you have flown your 20-25 hours with the instructor, then only another 20-25 hours left alone. For the first few times, you will only fly up to one hour, because you will have to pay attention to a lot of stuff which will really exhaust you. By the time, you got there to fly alone and to cross country flying, as your routine increases the less tiring the flying will be, so you will be able to go for longer routes. So, you can finish your last 10-15 hours in the last 2-3 weeks. It is a fact, that in bad weather conditions, you will not be able to fly, because a stormy, windy, rainy weather can affect your training, but if we summarize, in an optimal case you can be a pilot in 4 months. This time, of course, may be extended to your leisure time and energy expenditure up to a year. Once thing for sure, after you have successfully passed your theoretical exam, you have to obtain your private license in 2 years, otherwise you must take a re-exam. But, really, 2 years…? In that time, you will be flying jets!
How much does it cost to acquire the license?
The price of the theoretical training for any aircraft classes (TMG or SEP) is the same. The total amount depends primarily on which class you learn to fly. A Motor Sailing PPL cost less in the beginning than a SEP (Single Engine Piston), but if you want to step further, cross-training has a price also. You can find our detailed price list “here”. For the first look, it might be frightening how much does it cost, to obtain a private pilot license. Yes indeed, we are talking about not a little money, but its gathering is not as hopeless as it looks for the first glance. There’s a saying, if you find the prices too high, you are not committed enough to be a pilot. Because if your decision is rock solid, the question is not how will you gather the money, but how much time does it take. And, of course there are some reliefs. First of all, you don’t have to pay the full amount right at the beginning. Most people start flying with the instructor and they pay the hourly rate for the practical training after 100-200 thousand Forints. As they fly the hours, or get enough savings for the next instalment, they pay it. So in a good case, the total amount can be raised in 6-8-10 months, but there are those who complete the mandatory flight hours in 14-18 months.
Where can I fly with my fresh license and whom can I bring?
If the conditions of Visual Flight Rules are given, expect for the banned airspace, you can fly anywhere within the borders in Hungary. You can take your friends, acquaintances, enemies (but in this case, you should choose a plane with a catapult seat), actually anyone. The point is, that aviation cannot be considered as business, so you cannot ask for money for your flight.
What do I have to do, If I would like to fly beyond the country’s border?
If you want to leave the country’s airspace, a single PPL. For international flying you will need the things below:
- First of all, an English radio exam. This is understandable because the official language of flying is the English, but in Hungary it is permitted to do it Hungarian, beyond borders there is an obligation to sign in and communicate in English. If you have obtained your English radio exam, you can leave the Hungarian airspace in theory, but of course only if the rules of visual flights are given.
- It’s not mandatory, but in practice, you might need the Instrument Flight Rules rating as well. This has multiple reasons. First of all, distance. If you have planned a longer route, you can get to a situation easily and unexpectedly where flying by the Visual Flight Rules are not possible anymore. In this case, you might return, or abort your route and land on the first available airport…or fly further with your appropriate equipped plane in possession of Instrumental Flight Rules.
- Also a Night Visual Flight Rules rating might come in handy, which allows you in good weather conditions to continue your flight after sunset. In case of an international flight route it is not a bit annoying, when you must avoid an unexpected storm zone, which makes you land on a bypass airport just before your final destination as you wouldn’t reach your purpose before sunset.
Of course these additional ratings can be obtained at any time if you need them.
How can I fly, if I have my license but I do not own an airplane?
Having your own airplane is a really expensive and a costly gentleman ship, and its only worth it for those, who fly very often. Any other way, there is a Master Card for everything else…or at least airplanes which can be leased. Our club members after they have passed their pilot exam successfully, are entitled to fly with the airplanes in the club’s operation for a discounted rental fee.
Anything else I should know about?
The flight does not start, and does not end there that you jump into the plane, you fly and then you go home. Pilots are usually creating a cohesive community, friendships are made, and they can rely on and help each other. We also strive for the goal that you as a club member feel that this is a place where you belong, where you can bring your family, your friends, your significant other, where you spend your spare time happily outside flying hours. We organize common events on flying days, we participate on air rallies and we take care and we maintain our direct environment, occasionally we go for a great lunch or dinner. If you feel that outside flying, you are in the mood for that, and you want to feel good in a friendly company your place is among us. Come and work with us in the achieving of all of these!