
Prices of sightseeing and cross country flying

Do you have unique ideas? Ask for an offer!

Net rates shown are subject to change depending on fuel prices and EUR/HUF exchange rate fluctuations.
For actual rates please contact us by phone or e-mail.
Falke SF25 TMG BE THE PILOT program (1 Passenger)19 90026 900N/A
Cessna C152 BE THE PILOT program (1 Passenger)27 90038 900N/A
Falke SF25 TMG sightseeing flight (1 Passenger)19 90026 90036 90044 90066 900N/A
Cessna C152 sightseeing flight (1-3 Passenger)27 90038 90054 90067 90098 900128 900
Cessna C172 sightseeing flight (1-3 Passenger)32 90043 90063 90085 900124 900163 900
Cessna 172K LR sightseeing flight (1-3 Passenger)N/A51 90072 90087 900145 900186 900